Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just a few Figure Drawings

Just sharing a few quick drawings from our Tuesday night sketch group. The woman in the drawings  is a fantastic model. She takes great poses and has a wonderful work ethic. Tonight she even brought pumpkin bread- a beautiful model that shows up with snacks makes for some inspired drawing sessions.
Now, I know each of these drawings have some issues- yes I see the problems, but I thought I would post them anyway.
I find drawing to be a very fluid thing. It is basically a process of visual learning. Each of these drawings, completed in about an hour, could have benefited from more time to test and adjust problem areas- checking proportion, value and shape, while maintaining the gesture of the pose. Most of what happens in the studio while studying nature is a battle of wills. You have to be able to put down a mark, have it be wildly wrong and rather than begin the process of tying a noose with which to hang yourself, one has to be willing to laugh and say, "Wow, that is crazy wrong. Now, how do I fix that?" Thus starts the conversation with nature.

Both of these drawings could have benefited from a longer conversation.
Lindsay, 12x9, charcoal.  ©copyright Richard Luschek 2012
Lindsay , 12x9, charcoal.  ©copyright Richard Luschek 2012

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