Thursday, November 28, 2013


I will have some work in an Art Fair this weekend hanging in the Greenacres Art Guild booth with around 10 other guild members. It opens tomorrow night and runs through the weekend. It is a pretty big event with OVER 60 FINE ARTISTS AND GALLERIES.

I am not a big fan of all the big holiday sales and commercialism that happens the weekend after Thanksgiving. With everyone running around getting all their Black Friday discounts being little more than mindless consumers.  Where is the true spirit of the holidays?!
So, I want you to know, to fight this horrible trend, absolutely none of my work will be discounted during this weekend show. I will be selling all of it at full price. I have been told it is a deal already, so in my view that is good enough. I will have 3 small works- including the one shown in the image above. These would make great Christmas gifts- so much better than a big screen TV or video game system. I promise you it will be more pleasant than being at Walmart or Best-buy.

This big show is being held in the Cintas Center on Xavier campus, I am not 100 % sure, but I don't think there will be a game going on that day, but you have to admit that would totally add to the event.
1624 Herald Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45207 Free Parking
10 -6 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Secret Revealed

So, my Secrets are apparently not too secret as everyone seems to know which ones are mine. It is either that or something to do with pheromones. Nah, lets say it has to do with the visual charm of the work. That probably sounds better.
Mine was snatched up quickly by someone who already has around 4 of my secret cards from the past few years. Interestingly, on the very first Secret Artworks event 6 years ago, this same collector, who did not know me at the time, was with her husband. When the doors opened, they both rushed off to get cards they liked. They both separately got cards I had painted- obviously having no idea who did them.  Pretty cool considering there are usually close to 1000 5x7 cards by various artists to search through. Last year, her husband grabbed the card I painted as well. 
Here is my card for this years 2013 Secret Artworks which they can hang in the Richard Luschek section of their collection.
Clean Thoughts, 7 x 5, oil shellacked paper , ©copyright Richard Luschek 2013
It is probably my favorite opening of the year. The work is donated and the funds raised go to the various Artworks community programs. Artists that donate work get to attend a hip and happening party (oddly I don't get to go to those very often).
I thought I would post a few process shots.
The artists are sent simple postcards. I decided to coat the paper with orange shellac which protects the paper from the oil paint and gives a warm tone to paint on.
I taped the card to a board and started painting. I wanted to create a little story and continue my series of light bulbs.
Here is a shot after about 40 minutes. I did not do a drawing, but just started painting on the orange card, doing my best to cover it fast. You can see the scene with the bulb suspended by a wire. You can also see the other Mr. Clean doll I have laying nearby on the table. Yes, I have 4 Mr. Clean dolls, you wanna make something of it?!
I got big shapes down and just continued refining and pushing shapes around. Here it is after about another hour.
 I let it dry setting it near the furnace pipe and then refined it on a second day to get to the finished image you see at the top of this post.
If you are an artist in Cincinnati and are not doing this event, what are you thinking?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Secret ArtWorks 2013

Once again I have painted a card for the Secrets Show. 
I know I am not supposed to show you the work- it being a secret and all, but here is a shot of the card.

It is not a great photo and really the other side is more exciting, but if you want to see it you had better show up and check it out. It is a happening party.
Click to buy tickets
Click to see the cards online.    Last I looked, mine was not showing, as I turned mine in about two weeks after the deadline- that is just how secret mine is. Anyway, if you saw it, you would know it is mine.

It all happens this Friday, November 22, 5:00 pm- 9:00pm

The Center in the Mercantile Building (The old Contemporary Art Center space)
115 East Fifth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

5-6pm: Cocktails & VIP Art Sneak Peek
6pm: Doors Open to Secret Works of Art
Valet parking available on Walnut Street between 4th & 5th Streets.
Handicap access on 5th Street.

Art Preview Week
November 18 – 21, 2013
Westin Hotel Atrium
21 East Fifth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202